Happy Imperfect Father’s Day
I was reading a devotional Dad kept on his nightstand by Oswald Chambers—I bet you know the one. There was a statement highlighted that might be one of the more profound yet simple lines I have read concerning Christian life.
The fact that I am trying to be right with God is a sign that I am rebelling against the Atonement.
I could think about this line for the rest of my life and never find its end. In that tiny little word “try," I cheapen grace by choosing which sins I'll let God handle and which ones I'll handle. This is the work of the Christian; taking this truth so deeply it becomes an identity so that the faith you've been given is enough. It's in believing in Christ's work that God is making all things new, including us.
There's no more trying because all the trying was accomplished on behalf of those who believe. So, it's in our belief that sex, drink, and status or (whatever) lose their luster, not in trying. In believing, not trying, we find the motivation to go to the nations, our neighbors, or our kids with the gospel.
It's in believing, not in trying, that we stop crushing our spouses with the task of making us happy. It's in believing, rather than trying, that we will find what we truly want in life.
It's in believing, not in trying, that makes Father's Day without a father worth celebrating. I lean into the Father to the Fatherless. It's in Him, I hope.
I'm so thankful Dad knew this line. I am grateful he highlighted it so I might read and benefit from it. I'm thankful to have had a father who took this line as not something that is merely true but true for him. I am grateful that I know God better because of Dad and his genuine pursuit of God. I'm also thankful Dad wasn't perfect because if he were, this line would not be true for him or any other dad who lacks perfection.
This is only one example of the many amazing fathers in my life. I am thankful for imperfect fathers who introduce their families to the truth of what God is up to.
Happy imperfect Father's Day.